Emerging Exquisite
Guest Engagement App
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Edaya app at a glance
The booking feature of the Edaya app is made in order to streamline the hotel booking process for your guests. They can book rooms, view reservation details, and even make changes to their bookings within a few taps.
Document management
This is a great way to upload and verify your documents for your hotel stay. You can add delete and update them as needed.​
The guests can let us know their preferences, so we can make their stay more comfortable. From the type of pillow they prefer to the kind of coffee they like in the morning, we'll take care of the details, so they can relax and enjoy their stay.
Tour guide
The tour guide feature helps guests learn about the local area and find the best attractions and activities to enjoy during their stay. With comprehensive listings and maps, the tour guide makes it easy to plan a perfect holiday.
Contactless check-in
Streamline the hotel check-in process with our contactless check-in feature. The guests will be able to check in with a few taps on their phone. No more fumbling around with key cards or paperworks.
Restaurant services
The restaurant service feature is designed to make the dining experience more enjoyable. The guest can access restaurant information, such as menu, hours of operation and contact details. The guests can also make reservations and have a view of the reservation history.
The booking feature of our hospitality software is designed to make your life easier. With just a few clicks, you can book a room, view your reservation details and even make changes to your booking.
The guests could avert the front desk formalities and delays of the check-out process by checking out beforehand with our pre-checkout feature.
After checkout service
We'll be in touch of your guests even after the check-out with our feedback system, newsletters and notifications.